

Mar 8 2022 12:00AM

What food you should take to maintain a healthy skin ?

Recent research work about the kind of food one should take to maintain a healthy skin suggests, that food containing high level of antioxidant is really helpful for healthy   skin.

Suggestions of some skin friendly foods.

Apricot, orange, different type of berries and other colourful fruits.

Tomato, carrot, bell peppers and other colourful vegetables.

Cabbage, spinach and other green leafy vegetables.

Lentils, beans and peas.

Different type of nuts.

Mackerel, Salman and other fatty sea fish.

On the other hand there are some food which may cause skin damage. Food rich with processed sugar and unhealthy fat may cause skin aging.

Remember a good, balanced food is not only good for your skin. It is also good for your health . A balanced diet helps to maintain a better immunity as a whole. It also restrict the aging process of your skin . So you should not choose some specific food for your good skin, but you should take a balanced diet for overall benefit , including your skin health. Take a lot of fruits and vegetables . Avoid high fat dairy products,. Avoid too much sweets. Try to take whole grain braids or rotis. Take sufficient amount of water.


An article by, Team DNC ACADEMY.

Edited by, Dr. Soumallya Chattopadhyay.